In this training you will be using Wireshark to analyze packet capture files and look for malicious activity and objects. You will also learn the networking protocols and stacks by using Wireshark to visualize and interact with the networking protocol suites.


Learn the fundamentals of networking with Wireshark quickly and easily.

  • WiresharkM

  • Malicious files and malware detectionT

  • TCP/IP and OSI

Course Curriculum

    1. Lesson 01 - Networking Basics: Introduction

    2. Lesson 02 - Networking Basics: Domain Name System (DNS)

    3. Lesson 03 - Networking Basics: Protocols

    4. Lesson 04 - Networking Basics: The Network Layer

    5. Lesson 05 - Networking Basics: The Transport Layer

    6. Lesson 06 - Networking Basics: Windows Networking Tools

    7. Downloads: PDF

    1. Lesson 01 - Network Forensics: Packet Capture and Analysis

    2. Lesson 02 - Network Forensics: Domains

    3. Downloads: PDF

    1. Lesson 01 - Network Forensics: Suspicious DNS and HTTP Activity

    2. Lesson 02 - Network Forensics: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Wireshark

    3. Lesson 03: Network Forensics: Detecting Port Scanning and Exporting Objects from Wireshark

    4. Real Attacks: Packet Capture (Pcap) Files

    5. Downloads: PDF

    1. Lesson 02 - Network Forensics: Detection of Malicious Activity: Real Attack

    2. Downloads: Pcap Files and PDF

    3. Lesson 01 - Real Attack Scenario

About this course

  • $297.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content


Instructor Grant Knoetze

My name is Grant Knoetze, and I am a full-time cybersecurity analyst at Maltrak, and part time writer for articles on IT and cybersecurity for various websites and businesses internationally. I develop and teach courses and programs in Python, PowerShell, Network Forensics, Linux and Windows for cybersecurity as part of my current responsibilities as a cybersecurity analyst. My work also includes coaching and mentoring students at various levels in their cybersecurity career, and I assist students with basic to advanced IT skills, core cybersecurity knowledge and awareness, and programming languages, including Python, PowerShell, C++, and web, and I am available for consultation in general. I am also a senior instructor and consultant at a US based company part time, where I develop and teach a network forensics course to US students, and I am part of the coaching and contnuous development of the students, who are mostly in law enforcement and practcing digital forensics. Please visit my website which is a technical blog and includes links to all my social media and other projects at www.grantknoetze.com